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4th Conflicts &

Institutions Workshop

Genova 17-19 June 2019, with FBA


Background Paper Presentation

Evgenija Kroeker, Maline Meiske, and Andrea Ruggeri, University of Oxford

UN Security Council Resolutions and the Establishment of Peacekeeping Operations in Civil Conflicts, 1989-2015

Michelle Benson, University at Buffalo, SUNY


UN Peacekeeping Operations: From Mandate to Practice and Back Again

Jessica Di Salvatore, University of Warwick


Everything in good order? UN political missions and conflict management

Han Dorussen, University of Essex


The Politics of Financing UN Peacekeeping Operations

Megan Shannon, University of Colorado, Boulder


Blackhawk Down Revisited: Do UN fatalities influence UNSC decision-making?

Marina Henke, Northwestern University


Violence, Casualties, and Peacekeeping Personnel Contributions

Molly Melin, Loyola University Chicago

Jake Kathman, University at Buffalo, SUNY


The mandate and the reality: Matching UN peacekeeping mission mandate objectives and resource allocation

Paige Arthur, New York University


Designing a Unified UN Reintegration Data System

Michael Gilligan, New York University


UN Peace Operations and Rule of Law Assistance

Per Bergling, Umeå University

Just Different Hats? Comparing UN and Non-UN Peacekeeping 

Lisa Hultman, Uppsala University


Peacekeeping and Electoral Violence

Hanne Fjelde, Uppsala University


UN Peacekeeping and the Rule of Law in Africa

Robert Blair, Brown University


Patrolling for peace? A new dataset of UN patrol activity

Bernd Beber, WZB Berlin Social Science Center


Non-Combatants or Counter-Insurgents?The Strategic Logic of Violence against UN Peacekeeping

William Nomikos, Washington University in St. Louis


Keeping Many Peaces: Local Mediation in the Context of UN Peacekeeping Missions

Allard Duursma, ETH Zürich



3rd Conflicts &

Institutions Workshop

Genova 26 June 2018

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Keynote speakers:

James Fearon    (Stanford)

Sonia Lucarelli  (Bologna)

Duncan Snidal  (Oxford)

NASP Young Investigator Training Program in Political Studies

First Panel – Chair: Fabrizio Coticchia (University of Genova)


Tine Gade(EUI) “In-group policing and the non-occurrence of civil war: Lebanon and Jordan after 2011”

Discussant:  Silvia D'Amato (University of Florence), 


Gloria Gennaroand Jessica Miranda(Bocconi, Milan) “Democratization and conflict: the role of uncertainty”

Discussant:  Vincenzo Bove (University of Warwick), 


Matteo Colombo(University of Milan) “Warlords on Twitter: Competing with the state among pro-government militias in Syria”

Discussant: Andrea Ruggeri (University of Oxford),


Natalia Tellidou(EUI), “Neoclassical realism and proxy wars. The cases of Syria and Yemen”.

Discussant: Stefano Costalli (University of Florence).



 Second Panel – Chair: Mara Morini (University of Genova)


Akisato Suzuki(EUI), “Why Citizens Let Their Leaders Engage in Armed Conflict: A Rationalist Explanation”

Discussant:  James Fearon (Stanford University)


Vanessa Meier(Oxford University), “For better or worse? Third-party intervention and civilian victimisation”

Francesco N. Moro (University of Bologna)


Francesca Cerruti(University of Milan), “Measuring the Effectiveness of Security Institutions and Tracing its Determinants:The Biological Weapons Non-Proliferation Regime”

Discussant: Duncan Snidal (University of Oxford)


Marina Petrova(Essex University), “Water or Gasoline? Civil Society in Contentious Scenarios”

Discussant: Sonia Lucarelli ( University of Bologna )




09.30 Workshop Registration
10.00 Workshop – Welcome address

10.30-11.30 Key-note speech (I)
» The Transformation of Civil Wars
Stathis Kalyvas (Yale University)

12.00-13.00 Key-note speech (II)
» Accountability Avoidance and State Violence
Sabine Carey (University of Mannheim)


Research Seminar on Conflicts&Institutions 

 NASP Young Investigator Training Program in Political Studies

Chairs and discussants

Giampiero Cama (University of Genoa)
Sabine Carey (University of Mannheim)
Stefano Costalli (University of Florence)
Fabrizio Coticchia (University of Genoa)
Chiara Ruffa (Swedish National Defense College)
Stathis Kalyvas (Yale University)
Francesco N. Moro (University of Bologna)
Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford University)






1st Conflicts &

Institutions Workshop

Genova 16-17 June 2016

FIRST DAY, 16 June 2016

Panel Session I A: 11.15, Aula IV, 3rd Floor, Via Balbi 5

Middle East and Political (In)stability 

Discussant: Kristin Bakke, UCL

Chair: Giorgio Musso, Perugia

A1) Abdalhadi Alijla, Milano Statale, 

Generalized Trust and Institutions in Divided Societies

A3) Ayan Rakoub, Milano Statale

A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal

A4) Ruth Hanau Santini, Napoli Orientale

Social contracts in confused societies and arbitrary states: a difficult path ahead

Panel Session I B: 11.15, 16 June 2016, Aula Mazzini

Third Party Intervention

Discussant: Han Dorussen, Essex

Chair: Andrea Ruggeri, Oxford

B1) Maline Meiske, Oxford 

Negotiating Collective Peace: Issue Linkage and the Provision of Troops to EU Peace Missions” 

B2) Jessica Di Salvatore, Amsterdam

Peacekeepers against criminal violence

B3) Hana Bredikova, Trento

Do two-state solutions work?

B4) Nadav Kedem, EUI

Status-Seeking is not only for Powers: Evidence from the Military Intervention in Libya

Panel Session II A: 14.00, 16 June 2016, Aula IV, 3rd Floor

Crisis, Democracy and Conflict    

Discussant: Govinda  Clayton, Kent

Chair: Roberto Belloni, Trento

A5) Patrick Brobbey, Milano Statale

Explaining the Varying Intensities of Ethnic-based Electoral Violence in Africa

A6) Lara Piccardo, Genova

Instability in Eastern Europe: A Historical Analysis of the Present Situation

A7) Andrea Catanzaro, Genova

Promoting internal pacification in spite of censorship. The English Civil War and the educational role of the English translations of the Homeric Poems by Thomas Hobbes

A8) Tania Masi, Verona

Oil Discoveries and Democracy

Panel Session II B: 14.00, 16 June 2016, Aula Mazzini , 3rd Floor

Violent and Non-violent Dynamics in Conflict

Discussant: Ursula Daxecker, Amsterdam

Chair: Fabrizio Coticchia, Genoa 

B5) Roman-Gabriel Olar , Essex

Love your enemy: Political participation, institutionalization and coup attempts in authoritarian regimes, 1970-2008

B6 ) Catharina Lewerenz , Oxford

Pro-Government Militias as a strategy to Violent and Non-Violent Campaigns? 

B7) Margherita Belgioioso, Essex

Terrorism: Weapon of the Strong. How Moderates can Exploit Radical Flanks’ Terrorism to their Advantage

B8 ) Tim Stork , Leiden

Seeing Like A Militia: Militia Governance During Civil War

SECOND DAY, 17 June 2016

Department of Political Science (Aula Mazzini, Via Balbi 5, 3rd floor)

University of Genova 

Research Workshop  "Conflicts and Institutions"


Panel I - 09.00-10.15 

Discussant : Stefano Costalli (Essex)

Chair: Roberto Belloni (Trento) 

1C) Ethnic Inclusion, Democracy, and Terrorism

Sara M. T. Polo (Rice)

2C)Peacekeeping Contributions and Mutinies in Sending States

Ursula Daxecker (Amsterdam)

3C) Beyond Parliamentarism. A research agenda on conflicts, political institutions and regime stability in new democracies. 

Giampiero Cama (Genoa) and Fabrizio Coticchia (Genoa)


Panel II - 10.30-11.45

Discussant : Francesco N . Moro (Bicocca) and Sara Polo (Rice)

Chair: Giampiero Cama (Genoa)

4C) How does Stalemate Affect Military Spending? Theory and Evidence

Raul Caruso (Cattolica) 

5C) Trust the Distant Patron, Trust the Local Leader? Exploring External-Internal Relations of Post-War State-Building in de facto States

Kristin M. Bakke (UCL)

6C) Shifting fronts. How macro changes in war affect incumbents’ use of local violence: German and Fascist violence in Italy (1943-1945)

Stefano Costalli (Essex), Francesco N. Moro (Bicocca), Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford)


Panel III - 11.45-13.00

Discussant : Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford)

Chair : Alessandro Colombo (Milano)

7C) Conflict Management and the Decline of Violence

Govinda Clayton (University of Kent) and Han Dorussen (University of Essex)

8C) Conflict and Regime Predictions

Håvard Hegre (Uppsala)

9C) Globalization, Exclusion and Ethnic Inequality

Lars-Eric Cederman (ETH),

2nd Conflicts &

Institutions Workshop

Genova 21 June 2017

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