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Political Order, Violence and Institutions

Primary goal of this course is introducing students to core elements studying politics, with a specific focus on the state and its ruptures. This course introduces the students to core concepts such as politics, conflict, violence and institutions. Moreover, it discusses the different trajectories of state making and state rupture, among these ruptures: external occupations, civil wars, revolutions, mass atrocities and war.

M1 What is politics?  slides

Sartori, Giovanni. "What is «politics»." Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica

M2  What is conflict?  slides

Schattschneider, Elmer E. "Intensity, visibility, direction and scope." American political science review 


M3  What is political violence?  slides

Kalyvas, Stathis N. 2019. “The Landscape of Political Violence.” The Oxford Handbook of Terrorism.


M4 What is political order?  slides

Robert H. Bates “Probing the sources of political order”


M5 Conflict, Institutions and Regimes  slides

Olson, Mancur. "Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development." American Political Science Review 


M6 State making  slides

Tilly, Charles. “War Making and State Making as Organized Crime” in Bringing the State Back

M7 State development  slides

Queralt, Didac. "From Territorial Consolidation to Bureaucratic Dominance: The Long Arc of State Development." Annual Review of Political Science 


M8 State capacity  slides

Mann, Michael. "The autonomous power of the state: its origins, mechanisms and results." European journal of sociology 


M9 States and Imperialism  slides

Popescu, Bogdan , Introduction in Imperial Borderlands: Institutions and Legacies of the Habsburg Military Frontier. Cambridge University Press, 2023.


M10 Colonialism  slides

McNamee, Lachlan, A Theory of Settler Colonialism in Settling for Less: Why States Colonize and Why They Stop. Princeton University Press, 2023.


M11 Other State Trajectories I: Europe vs Latina America  slides

Mazzuca, Sebastián. A Theory of Latecomer State Formation in Latecomer State formation: Political geography and capacity failure in Latin America. Yale University Press, 2021.


M12 Other State Trajectories II : Europe vs Chin slides

Dincecco Mark, and Yuhua Wang. "Violent conflict and political development over the long run: China versus Europe." Annual Review of Political Science 21, no. 1 (2018): 341-358.


M13 Nation making  slides

Linz, J.J., 1993. State building and nation building. European Review


M14 Nationalism and the transformation of the state  slides

Cederman, Lars‐Erik. "Nationalism and the transformation of the state." Nations and Nationalism .


M15 State rupture I  occupations I  slides

Edelstein, D.M., 2004. Occupational hazards: Why military occupations succeed or fail. International Security.


M 16 State rupture I: occupations II  slides

Petersen, Roger D , Introduction in Death, Dominance, and State-building: The US in Iraq and the Future of American Military Intervention. 


M17 State rupture 2 : civil war  slides

Sambanis, Nicholas. "What is civil war? Conceptual and empirical complexities of an operational definition." Journal of conflict resolution 


M18 State rupture 2 : civil war II  slides

Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Manuel Vogt. "Dynamics and logics of civil war." Journal of Conflict Resolution6.


M19 Civilian Victimization  slides

Balcells & Stanton. "Violence against civilians during armed conflict: Moving beyond the macro-and micro-level divide." Annual Review of Political Science 


M20 Rebel Governance  slides

Arjona, Ana.Wartime Social Order in Rebelocracy. Cambridge University Press, 2016.


M21 State rupture 3: Revolutions I  slides

Beissinger, Mark R. "The Evolving Study of Revolution." World Politics (2024).


M22 State rupture 3: Revolutions II  slides

Kuran, Timur. "Now out of never: The element of surprise in the East European revolution of 1989." 


M23State rupture 4 : Mass atrocities  slides

Anderton, Charles H., and Jurgen Brauer. "Mass atrocities and their prevention." Journal of Economic Literature 

M24 Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide  slides

Straus, Scott. "Contested meanings and conflicting imperatives: A conceptual analysis of genocide." Journal of Genocide Research


M25 State rupture 5: Coups  slides

Thyne,Clayton L., Jonathan Powell, and Benjamin Leo. "Coup research." In Oxford research encyclopedia of international studies.


M26 Coup-proofing  slides

Kim, Nam Kyu. "Coups d’état and coup avoidance." Research Handbook on Civil–Military Relations (2024): 23-39


M27  State rupture 6: Organized Crime  slides

Lessing Benjamin. "Conceptualizing criminal governance." Perspectives on politics


M28 Mafias & Cartels  slides

Corrales, Javier, and Will Freeman. "How Organized Crime Threatens Latin America." Journal of Democracy 35, no. 4 (2024): 149-161.

M29 State rupture 7: the state against the state, war  slides

Levy, Jack S. "The causes of war and the conditions of peace." Annual Review of Political Science 1, no. 1 (1998): 139-165.


M30 Is war rational?  slides

Fearon, James D. "Rationalist explanations for war." International organization 49, no. 3 (1995): 379-414.

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